
Efficient, concise stream data processing.

>>> from datastreams import DataStream

>>> DataStream("Hello, gorgeous.")\
...     .filter(lambda char: char.isalpha())\
...     .map_method('lower')\
...     .count_frequency().to_list()
[('e', 2), ('g', 2), ('h', 1), ('l', 2), ('o', 3), ('s', 1), ('r', 1), ('u', 1)]



DataStreams are perfect for pipelined feature calculation:

def calc_name(user):
    user.first_name =' ')[0] if else ''
    return user

def calc_age(user):
   user.age = - user.birthday
   return user

    .execute() # <- Nothing happens till here

Theses calculations are efficient because streams are generators by default, and no memory is wasted on unnecessary intermediary collections.

This is even better when certain calculation steps are long, and must be wrapped in their own functions. Of course, for brevity, you can use set:

    .set('first_name', lambda user:' ')[0] if else '')\
    .set('age', lambda user: - user.birthday)\


You can join DataStream - even streams of objects!

userstream = DataStream(users)
transactstream = DataStream(transactions)

user_spend = userstream.join('inner', 'user_id', transactstream)\
    .map(lambda usertrans: (usertrans[0], sum(tran.price for tran in usertrans[1])))\

# {'47328129': 240.95, '48190234': 40.73, ...}

where Clause

Chained filter s are a bit tiresome. where lets you perform simple filtering using more accessible language:


Instead of:

    .filter(lambda user: user.age >= 18)\
    .filter(lambda user: user.age < 35)\
    .filter(lambda user: user.segment in target_segments)\

I bet you got tired just reading that many lambdas!

Apache Spark Integration

Integrating with Apache Spark is easy - just use RddStream instead of DataStream or DataSet, and pass it an RDD. The rest of the API is the same!


DataStream API

class datastreams.DataStream(source, transform=<function <lambda>>, predicate=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Foundation for the package - DataStream allows you to chain map/filter/reduce/etc style operations together:

>>> stream = DataStream(range(10))
>>> stream.filter(lambda n: n % 2 == 0).map(lambda n: n*5).to_list()
... [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]

DataStreams are evaluated lazily (using generators), providing memory efficiency and speed. Using collect() produces a DataSet, which evalutes the whole stream and caches the result.


Batches rows of a stream in a given chunk size

>>> DataStream(range(10)).batch(2).to_list()
... [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]
Parameters:batch_size (int) – size of each batch
Return type:DataStream

Chains together iterables, flattening them

>>> DataStream(['this', 2, None]).map(dir).chain().to_list()
... ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', ...]
Return type:DataStream

Collects the stream into a DataSet

>>> DataStream(range(5)).map(lambda n: n * 5).collect()
... DataSet([0, 5, 10, 15, 20])
Return type:DataSet

Collects using a constructor

>>> DataStream(range(5)).collect_as(str)
... DataSet(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4'])
Parameters:constructor – class or constructor function
Return type:DataSet

Alias for chain()

>>> DataStream(['this', 2, None]).map(dir).concat().to_list()
... ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', ...]
Return type:DataStream

map() a function over the stream, then concat it

>>> DataStream(['this', 2, None]).concat_map(dir).to_list()
... ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', ...]
Parameters:function (function) – function to apply
Return type:DataStream

Counts the number of rows in this stream. This will exhaust a stream!

>>> DataStream(range(5)).count()
... 5
Return type:int

Counts frequency of each row in the stream

>>> DataStream(['a', 'a', 'b', 'c']).count_frequency()
... DataSet([('a', 2), ('b', 1), ('c', 1)])
Return type:DataSet
dedupe(key_fn=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Removes duplicates from a stream, returning only unique values.

>>> DataStream('aaaabcccddd').dedupe().to_list()
... ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
Parameters:key_fn (function) – function returning a hashable value used to determine uniqueness

Deletes the named attribute for each row in the stream


Drops n rows from the stream

>>> DataStream(range(10)).drop(5).to_list()
... [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
Parameters:n (int) – number of rows to be dropped
Return type:DataStream

Evaluates the stream (nothing happens until a stream is evaluted)

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> DataStream(range(3)).for_each(pprint).execute()
... 0
... 1
... 2
... <datastreams.DataStream at 0x7f6995ea4790>

Filters a stream using the passed in predicate function.

>>> DataStream(range(10)).filter(lambda n: n % 2 == 0).to_list()
... [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
Parameters:filter_fn (function) – only passes values for which filter_fn returns True
Return type:DataStream
filter_method(method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Filters using a method of the stream row using passed in args/kwargs

>>> DataStream(['hi', 'h1', 'ho']).filter_method('isalpha').to_list()
... ['hi', 'ho']
Parameters:method (str) – name of method to be called
Return type:DataStream

Apply a list of filter functions

>>> evens_less_than_six = [lambda n: n < 6, lambda n: n % 2 == 0]
>>> DataStream(range(10)).filters(evens_less_than_six).to_list()
... [0, 2, 4]
Parameters:filter_fns (list[function]) – list of filter functions
Return type:DataStream

Calls a function for each row in the stream, but passes the row value through

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> DataStream(range(3)).for_each(pprint).execute()
... 0
... 1
... 2
... <datastreams.DataStream at 0x7f6995ea4790>
Parameters:function (function) – function to call on each row
Return type:DataStream
classmethod from_csv(path, headers=None, constructor=<class 'datastreams.datastreams.Datum'>)[source]

Stream rows from a csv file

>>> DataStream.from_csv('payments.csv').to_list()
... [Datum({'name': 'joe', 'charge': 174.93}), Datum({'name': 'sally', 'charge': 198.05}), ...]
  • path (str) – path to csv to be streamed
  • headers (list[str]) – manual names for headers - if present, first row is pulled in as data, if None, first row is used as headers
  • constructor – class or function to construct for each row
Return type:


classmethod from_file(path)[source]

Stream lines from a file

>>> DataStream.from_file('hamlet.txt').concat_map(str.split).take(7)
... ['The', 'Tragedy', 'of', 'Hamlet,', 'Prince', 'of', 'Denmark']
Parameters:path (str) – path to file to be streamed
Return type:DataStream
classmethod from_stdin()[source]

Stream rows from stdin

Return type:DataStream
get(name, default=None)[source]

Gets the named attribute of each row in the stream

>>> Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'year_born'])
>>> DataStream([Person('amy', 1987), Person('brad', 1980)]).get('year_born').to_list()
... [1987, 1980]
  • attr (str) – attribute name
  • default – default value to use if attr name not found in row
Return type:



Groups a stream by key, returning a DataSet of (K, tuple(V))

>>> stream = DataStream(range(3) * 3)
>>> stream.group_by('real').to_dict()
... {0: (0, 0, 0), 1: (1, 1, 1), 2: (2, 2, 2)}
Parameters:key (str) – attribute name to group by
Return type:DataSet

Groups a stream by function, returning a DataSet of (K, tuple(V))

>>> stream = DataStream(['hi', 'hey', 'yo', 'sup'])
>>> stream.group_by_fn(lambda w: len(w)).to_dict()
... {2: ('hi', 'yo'), 3: ('hey', 'sup')}
Parameters:key_fn (function) – key function returning hashable value to group by
Return type:DataSet
inner_join(key, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using keys in both dataset only

Return type:


inner_join_by(left_key_fn, right_key_fn, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using key functions to evaluate equality

  • left_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from left stream
  • right_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from right stream
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
Return type:


join(how, key, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using keys from right dataset only

  • how (str) – left, right, outer, or inner
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
  • key (str) – attribute name to join on
Return type:


join_by(how, left_key_fn, right_key_fn, right)[source]

Uses two key functions perform a join. Key functions should produce hashable types to be used to compare/index dicts.

  • how (str) – left, right, outer, or inner
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
  • left_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from left stream
  • right_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from right stream
Return type:


left_join(key, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using keys from right dataset only

Return type:


left_join_by(left_key_fn, right_key_fn, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using key functions to evaluate equality

  • how (str) – left, right, outer, or inner
  • left_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from left stream
  • right_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from right stream
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
Return type:



Apply a function to each row in this stream

>>> DataStream(range(5)).map(lambda n: n * 5).to_list()
... [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]
Parameters:function (function) – function to apply
Return type:DataStream
map_method(method, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call named method of each row using supplied args/kwargs

>>> DataStream(['hi', 'hey', 'yo']).map_method('upper').to_list()
... ['HI', 'HEY', 'YO']
Parameters:method (str) – name of method to be called
Return type:DataStream
outer_join(key, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using keys in either datasets

Return type:


outer_join_by(left_key_fn, right_key_fn, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using key functions to evaluate equality

  • left_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from left stream
  • right_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from right stream
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
Return type:



Picks attributes from each row in a stream. This is helpful for limiting row attrs to only those you want to save in a database, etc.

>>> Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'year_born'])
>>> DataStream([Person('amy', 1987), Person('brad', 1980)]).pick_attrs(['year_born']).to_list()
... [Datum({'year_born': 1987}), Datum({'year_born': 1980})]
Parameters:attr_names (list[str]) – list of attribute names to keep
Return type:DataStream

Pipes stream to stdout using sys.stdout.write

reduce(function, initial=None)[source]

Applying a reducing function to rows in a stream

  • function (function) – reducing function, with parameters last_iteration, next_value
  • initial – initial value for reduce, if None, takes the first element of this stream as initial
reduce_to_dataset(function, initial=None)[source]

Applies a reducer over this stream, returning a DataSet of the results

  • function – reducing function, with parameters last_iteration, next_value
  • initial – initial value for reduce, if None, takes the first element of this stream as initial
Return type:


right_join(key, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using keys in right dataset only

Return type:


right_join_by(left_key_fn, right_key_fn, right)[source]

Returns a dataset joined using key functions to evaluate equality

  • left_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from left stream
  • right_key_fn (function) – key function that produces a hashable value from right stream
  • right (DataStream) – DataStream to be joined with
Return type:


sample(probability, n)[source]

Sample N rows with a given probability of choosing a given row

>>> DataStream(range(100)).sample(0.1, 5)
  • probability (float) – probability that a sample is chosen
  • n (int) – population size to sample
Return type:


set(name, transfer_func=None, value=None)[source]

Sets the named attribute of each row in the stream using the supplied function

  • name – attribute name
  • transfer_func – function that takes the row and returns the value to be stored at the named attribute
Return type:



Takes n rows from the stream

>>> DataStream(range(100000)).take(3).to_list()
... [0, 1, 2]
Parameters:n (int) – number of rows to be taken
Return type:DataStream

Like take, but evaluates immediately and returns a DataSet

>>> DataStream(range(100000)).take_now(3)
... DataSet([0, 1, 2])
Parameters:n (int) – number of rows to be taken
Return type:DataSet

Converts a stream to a dict

>>> stream = DataStream(['hi', 'hey', 'yo', 'sup'])
>>> stream.group_by_fn(lambda w: len(w)).to_dict()
... {2: ('hi', 'yo'), 3: ('hey', 'sup')}
Return type:dict

Converts a stream to a list

>>> DataStream(range(5)).map(lambda n: n * 5).to_list()
... [0, 5, 10, 15, 20]
Return type:list

Converts a stream to a set

>>> DataStream([1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3]).to_set()
... {1, 2, 3, 4}
Return type:set
where(name=<class 'datastreams.datastreams.Nothing'>)[source]

Short hand for common filter functions - where selects an attribute to be filtered on, with a condition like gt or contains following it.

>>> Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'year_born'])
>>> DataStream([Person('amy', 1987), Person('brad', 1980)]).where('year_born').gt(1983).to_list()
... [Person(name='amy', year_born=1987)]
Parameters:name (str) – attribute name to filter on
Return type:FilterRadix
window(length, interval)[source]

Windows the rows of a stream in a given length and interval

>>> DataStream(range(5)).window(3, 2).to_list()
... [DataSet([0, 1, 2]), DataSet([2, 3, 4])]
  • length (int) – length of window
  • interval (int) – distance between windows
Return type:


DataSet API

class datastreams.DataSet(source)[source]

Like a DataStream, but with the source cached as a list. Able to perform tasks that require the whole source, like sorting and reversing.


Apply a function to the whole dataset

Parameters:function (function) – function to be called on the whole dataset
Return type:DataSet

Call a function with the whole dataset, returning the original

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> DataSet([1, 2, 3]).apply(pprint)
... DataSet([1, 2, 3])
... DataSet([1, 2, 3])
Parameters:function (function) – function to be called on the whole dataset
Return type:DataSet

Reverses a DataSet

>>> DataSet(range(5)).reverse()
... DataSet([4, 3, 2, 1, 0])
Return type:DataSet
sort_by(key_fn, descending=True)[source]

Sort the DataSet using the given key function

>>> Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'year_born'])
>>> DataSet([Person('amy', 1987), Person('brad', 1980)]).sort_by(lambda p: p.year_born)
... DataSet([Datum({'name': 'amy', 'year_born': 1980}), Datum({'name': 'brad', 'year_born': 1987})])
  • key_fn (function) – function used select the key used to sort the dataset
  • descending (bool) – sorts descending if True
Return type:



Streams from this dataset

Return type:DataStream


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This project is licensed under the MIT license.